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TSMC did not disclose 5nm process revenue, and 7Nm and 16nm were still the main revenue sources





TSMC did not disclose the 5nm process, and 7Nm and 16nm are still the main revenue sources. According to foreign media reports, in the first quarter financial report analyst conference call on April 16, TSMC CEO Wei Zhe Jia disclosed that their 5nm process had been mass produced, and foreign media also reported that they had been using 5nm technology to manufacture A14 processor for Apple's iPhone 12 this autumn. But in the second quarter financial report released this afternoon, TSMC did not disclose the revenue status of the 5nm process.

TSMC did not disclose 5nm process revenue, and 7Nm and 16nm were still the main revenue sources

In the financial report, TSMC listed the proportion of process source of revenue and the proportion of source of platform. In the process sources, only the proportion of revenue contributed by the processes of 7Nm and above is listed, and the revenue represented by other technologies is not included.

Judging from the revenue contribution of TSMC's various processes, the 16nm and 7Nm processes are still the main sources of their revenue. The 16nm process contributed 18% of their revenue in the second quarter, while the 7Nm process contributed 36% of their revenue, which was their first major revenue source. The two processes together contributed 54% of TSMC's revenue in the second quarter. 28nm is another process with more than 10% revenue, accounting for 14% of revenue in the second quarter.

By platform, smart phone chips are still the main source of TSMC's revenue, accounting for 47% of TSMC's revenue. High performance computer chips account for 33% of TSMC's revenue in the second quarter. Internet of things chips account for 8%, automotive chips account for 4%, digital consumer electronics chips account for 5%, and others account for 3%.